Rexflexologist Professional | Wellbeing Coach | Fitness Coach | Golf Biomechanic

“Paddle your own canoe” - This quote written to me by my Chemistry teacher in high school brought about the beginning of my journey.
After leaving school and having studied Beauty Therapy at College, I really wanted a career in the beauty industry. After various jobs I found myself in an interview and was offered a job with a well known multi-national skin care company, doubled my salary overnight, picked up a new company car, drove up and down the country working - and hated every minute of it!
Then one lunchtime while working in Reading, I saw a tiny newspaper advert ‘Gym for Sale’. My first thought was that quote from my teacher… it was my canoe moment!
Fast forward six months to December 1996 and with a leap of faith (and a large bank loan), there I was, on the Isle of Wight, with fabulous staff, running my own gym, studio and treatment room.
Fast-forward again 12 years and I’d had a great time coaching, 1-to- 1 training, group fitness classes and treating clients with Reflexology, Massage and Facial Therapy.
Once my two boys reached high school age, it was time to head back to the mainland. My gym was sold (still going strong to this day) and we were West Sussex bound where I
established my skin clinic, specialising in non-invasive facial treatments, reflexology and massage, continued my work as a Golf Biomechanic and trained with the NHS to work in Diabetic Podiatry. I also offer holistic therapies on a voluntary basis at our local Hospice for patients and their carers.
In 2017 I was approached by The Cowdray Estate to offer a staff wellbeing programme for them. This has now been running successfully for 6 years and continues to grow in
popularity. Every month at least 65 of the staff take the opportunity to book a session with me.
Having witnessed first hand the power of the Wim Hof Method in Dan’s recovery; from him laying in bed, with absolutely no energy and struggling to hold a conversation, back to the intelligent, dynamic and fit person he is today, validates the scientific research and case studies that have been published over recent years.
Working together with the Wim Hof Method of breath work, mindset and cold exposure, holistic therapies and fitness and stretch training on our courses, retreats and classes. Dan and I provide a fun, engaging and powerful pathway to becoming stronger, happier and healthier. And, as a Rexflexologist Professional, I will ensure to stimulate your energy pathways to create a better mindset for your day-to-day lifestyle.
Our classes, courses and retreats are for everyone. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you can be assured of a warm welcome. We aim for you leave us with a real sense of achievement, positive mindset and big smile for the beginning of your journey.
Please read our information on workshops and classes here and let's start the journey you will love!